STANGER wood glue is a high-quality waterbased emulsion of polyvinylacetate, resulting in high bond strength glue lines. STANGER wood glue shows a middle setting speed at room temperature, but increased temperature greatly accelerated the drying time. The gluing provides good water resistant, corresponding to DIN EN 204, group D3.STANGER wood glue is suitable for gluing of wood and wood products that need a high resistant against moisture and short-time water- influence. This wood glue is suitable for assembly- and area- bonds.Fields of application: Gluing (130-180g/cm³) can be done with conventional equipment, as there are brush, scraper, spray bottle, glue spreader. The glue application depends on the absorbency of the materials to be glued. Be care of exact fitted tongue and groove. The glue should not come in contact with iron materials, because there is a tannin wood discoloration risk, eg oak. Airing time: 8 ? 10 min.Pressing time: depending on workpiece approximately 20 - 30min (20°C), iWeight: 100g