Sleeve Mini eraser, translucent, red/blue/turquoise sorted

Faber Castell | Code: 182412
Sleeve�Mini eraser, translucent, red/blue/turquoise sorted
After use, the high-quality Sleeve and Sleeve Mini erasers and sharpeners disappear into a red, blue, or black cover, which not only protects against fouling, but also allows for precise control of the erasing stroke when open or as a useful container for sharpening dust. The Sleeve has already received an award for its ergonomics and user-friendliness: the 2007 ISPA Award in the “Back to School” category. Further proof that even such simple things like erasers and sharpeners can still be improved – true to the Faber-Castell motto: Making ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Product details
Ergonomically shaped quality eraser for pleasant, soft erasing
Attractive translucent dirt-resistant protective sleeve
Clean and smudge-free erasing
Colour: red, blue, green
Cardboard display
Price: 5.15 GEL

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