STANGER plastic glue is used as an adhesive for a number of gluing applications; it is ideally suited for gluing paper, cardboard and polystyrene to one another or in different combinations. Specially recommended for relatively smooth, flat surfaces. The setting time is relatively short; therefore the parts must be neatly aligned. STANGER plastic glue is used in the handicraft area, hobby (model-making), office, schools, at home as well as in industrial applications.STANGER plastic glue is characterised by colour neutrality, drip-free clean processing and rapid drying. Application: Ensure that all parts to be glued are clean, dry and free of oil and grease.STANGER plastic glue is applied with equal strokes as a thin layer to the cleaned surfaces to be glued; allow to dry for a short period, then adhere the surfaces to one another. After a drying time of 30 minutes, depending on the absorbency of the surface, a good strength is already achieved.Weight: 13g