Draft Works - Model - "B" Isomars 47x64cm

Isomars | Code: DWMB
Draft Works - Model - "B" Isomars 47x64cm
Laminated Wooden Board Size : 18.5″ x 25.5″ (A2)15° Working AngleCarry HandleAcrylic Parallel RulerWith CM / INCH MarkingSet Square 45°/8Set Square 60°/10Protractor 180° (6 Inch)Pro circle Protractor 360°Ship CurveTriangular Scale 12″0.5 mm Lead Pencil2 mm Lead Pencil2 mm Lead Tube with 6 LeadsEraserDrafting BrushCenter Wheel CompassCompass AttachmentErasing ShieldDrafting brush4 Drawing Board ClipsSketch Pad A5Size: 47x64cm
Price: 276.90 GEL

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