სწაფად და საგულდაგულოდ აშორებს ცხიმს და ცხიმის ნაარჩენებს, ჭვარტლს, სამუხრუჭე მტვერს სხვადასხვა ზედაპირიდან.
მოცულობა: 500 მლFor cleaning and degreasing during maintenance and repair work
Fast flash-off behaviour and excellent cleaning performance
Fast and effective removal of soot, grease, brake dust and oily residuesResidue-free cleaningAcetone-free
Good material compatibility with paints, plastics, seals and rubber
AOX-free and silicone-free
NoticeDo not spray on hot parts. Not suitable for surface cleaning of adhesive areas. Prior to application, the compatibility of rubber or plastic parts and painted surfaces should be checked on an invisible area.