Triangular Scale - 7 Divisions Isomars 30cm

Isomars | Code: T9
Triangular Scale - 7 Divisions Isomars 30cm
Triangular Scale 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:25, 1:33½, 1:50, 1:100,300mm / 30 cm / 12 inchPlastic ( ABS)* WhitePrecision DevisionsPacking Individually in PP Plastic BoxScale rulers are used by architects and engineers to calculate dimension in a blue print or building plan without the use of time-consuming and complicated math equations.Ideal for Plan Drawers, Architects, Workshop, Toolbox, Home Crafts, Hobbyists, Modellers, Draughtsman, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, Cardmaking , Graphic Designers.Length: 30cm
Price: 9.89 GEL

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